2024-2025 Season
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“By registering my child, I agree that I am responsible for their conduct, my conduct, and the conduct of my guests. I understand that the Moss Park Hockey Leagues will not tolerate any abuse of its players, volunteers, and officials, and that if such abuse occurs my child will be removed from the program.”

Eligible Players

  1. Registrants for 2023-2024 season must have been born on or after August 1, 2007.
  2. Registrants must live within the City of Toronto.
  3. Registrants are not permitted to play on any GTHL team or on any house league hockey team whose regular season and playoff schedule overlaps with that of the MPHL provided that:
    • Registrants may play for their own school’s hockey team provided the team’s scheduled games do not conflict with any regular season and playoff games of the MPHL.
  4. A player that misses 3 consecutive games without a valid medical or other excuse shall lose his or her spot on the team, subject to the discretion of the chair and the convenor for that player’s division in consultation with the vice-char and the player’s coach.
  5. A player must play 50% plus 1 games from registration to completion of the regular season in order to be eligible to play in the play-offs, to be calculated by including games missed due to a valid excuse as games played, and subject as well to the discretion of the chair and convenor for that player’s division in consultation with the vice-chair and the player’s coach.


  1. Games shall consist of 2 periods of 24 minutes each or less in the event of time constraints as determined by the head referee.
  2. If there are sufficient numbers of players on both of the two teams playing to have 3 lines and there is sufficient time to play 2 periods of 24 minutes each, games shall be broken into 3 minute shifts starting with the 1st lines then proceeding consecutively through the 2nd and 3rd lines.
  3. In the event that one team does not have 13 or more skaters plus a goalie on the ice within 3 minutes before a game has started and the coach with more players on the ice agrees, the game may proceed as a two-line game.
  4. In the event that both teams have fewer than 13 skaters plus a goalie on the ice within 3 minutes before a game has started and the coaches do not agree whether the game shall proceed as a two line or three-line game, then the convenor, or the president if the convenor is not present, or the vice-president if the president and convenor are not present, shall determine whether the game shall proceed as a two-line game or three-line game.
  5. In the event of a two-line game or a game of less than 2 periods of 24 minutes, then the consecutive order of lines shall be played in an order that ensures that the 1st line plays the last shift.
  6. The 1st line shall always play only against the other team’s 1st line, the 2nd against the 2nd, and the 3rd against the 3rd.
  7. A forfeit shall be assessed against a team if it does not have a total of 10 skaters plus a goalie on the ice or on the bench within 3 minutes after a game has started.
  8. Players not on the ice or on the bench within 9 minutes after a game has started shall not be eligible to play.
  9. During the regular season there is a 4-goal cap on the score of any game, meaning that
    • no team’s goals at the end of the game beyond a winning margin of 4 goals shall be shown on the score board.
    • all goals scored will count towards the standings and individual stats.
  10. If a team takes a lead of more than 4 goals during a game, the team’s score above the 4 goal margin shall not be shown on the scoreboard; however goals in excess of the 4 goal margin shall be marked on the game sheet so that if the other team scores more goals, each goal scored that is above the previous difference of 4 shall count as a regular goal should the opposing team score an additional goal or additional goals.
  11. The face off after any goal scored by the leading team after it achieves a 4-goal lead or better shall not take place at center ice but in the defensive zone of the leading team until the lead is reduced to 3 or the game comes to an end.
  12. The home team shall start its goaltender at the north end of the arena.
  13. After they are dressed players on teams waiting for their game to begin shall stay in their team dressing rooms until both teams from the previous game have left the ice and entered the dressing room.

3. Teams/Leagues

  1. Registrants shall be assigned to the morning or afternoon league playing divisions by the chair and convenors in consultation with the coaches based primarily on their age on the date of registrations.
  2. The chair and convenors in consultation with the coaches may also take ability and size into account as secondary considerations in assigning players to the afternoon league playing division who would otherwise be ineligible to play because of age.
  3. Registrants shall be assigned to teams by the chair and convenors in consultation with the coaches based primarily on seeking to achieve a balanced league.
  4. The chair and convenors shall try to accommodate reasonable requests to place siblings and others on the same team in order to accommodate travel arrangements, work schedules, or other valid concerns that affect the players’ ability to play in the MPHL.

4. Lines

  1.  The president and convenors, in consultation with the coaches and referees, shall determine the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd lines prior to games on the following basis:
    1. the 1st line shall be the team’s 5 best players regardless of position;
    2. the 2nd line shall be the team’s 5 next best players; and
    3. the 3rd line shall be the team’s remaining players.
  2. Any question about a player’s line assignment during a game shall be decided by the head referee with regard to the roster sheet submitted for the game, subject to immediate review if requested by a coach by the convenor, or president if the convenor is not present, or the vice-president if the president and convenor are not present.
  3. 1st line players may only play on the 1st line.
  4.  If there are fewer than five 1st line players at the game, 2nd line players may be rotated into the 1st line.
  5.  If there are fewer than five 2nd line players at a game, 3rd line players may be rotated into the 2nd line.
  6. If there are fewer than five 3rd line players at a game, 2nd line players may be rotated into the 3rd line but any goals scored by 2nd line players while on the 3rd line shall not count.
  7. Coaches are required to use a team’s less skilled 2nd line players on the 3rd line if there are fewer than five 3rd line players at a game.
  8. Players rotated up or down shall not be rotated twice in a row unless 12 skaters or less are in attendance for a team.

5. Penalties

  1. The length of a minor penalty is 2 minutes.
  2. Pulling a goalie anytime before the last 3 minutes is a minor penalty.
  3. Not waiting in the team dress room until the teams playing the previous game have left the ice is a bench minor to be served at the beginning of the game.
  4. Body-checking is a minor penalty.
  5. Hitting from behind, slashing with intent, butt-ending and spearing are all major penalties.
  6. Hitting from behind can lead to an automatic ejection from the game, a match penalty, or a double-match penalty, depending on the severity of the hit and apparent intent of the penalized player.
  7. Fighting is an automatic ejection from the game and double-match penalty.
  8. Three minors in a game result in automatic ejection from the game.
  9. A second major penalty in a season results in automatic ejection from the game and a match penalty.
  10. A third major penalty in a season results in a 4 game suspension.
  11. Taking a slapshot is a minor penalty.
  12. All major, match, and suspension penalties shall be reviewed by the president, the convenors, and the referees to determine if further penalties in the form of additional suspension, ejection from the season, or ejection from the league is warranted.
  13. If at any time a 1st line player is used on any other line and a goal is scored on the shift of that line, the goal shall be disallowed and a 2 minute penalty shall be served by the 1st line player.
  14. If a 1st line player is used on any other line and a goal is scored on the shift of that line and the 1st line player thereafter plays on any other line, the player’s coach shall be ejected from the game.
  15. There is zero tolerance for any abuse by players of officials, coaches, or other players, and referees may assign minor, major, or ejection penalties depending on the severity of the conduct and apparent intent of the penalized player.
  16. All other rules and penalties shall be as set out