2024-2025 Season
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Parent Code of Conduct

As a parent or guardian of a Moss Park House League player, you have a responsibility to:

  • I will do my best to be a GOOD SPORT at all times.
  • I will not condone, permit, defend or engage in actions, on or off the ice, which are not consistent with good sports-like behavior.
  • I will encourage my child to do their best, have fun and demonstrate good sports like behavior.
  • I will teach my child how to win and lose gracefully.
  • I will lead by example.
  • I will assist my child to understand and respect the rules of the game.
  • I will encourage my child to remember that they are part of a team and to work for the good of the team.
  • I will respect the rights and feelings of officials, coaches, Board Members, players, volunteers and administrators.
  • I will work to support, not undermine, their efforts.
  • If filming your child(ren), work to keep other players out of the shot.
  • To develop positive character traits and values.
  • Be positive and supportive at all times.
  • Be considerate and positive in comments.
  • Not to argue with referees’ calls. If you have a question, please speak to the coach after the game.
  • Have players in the dressing room and ready 15 minutes before game start.
  • Allow only players and coaches in the room 10 minutes before the game.
  • Allow 5 minutes after the game for a debriefing by coaches.

I agree that I am responsible for the conduct of myself, the player and any/all of my guests. The Moss Park House League will not tolerate any abuse of its players, volunteers or officials. Failure to comply with this will result in the removal of the participant from the programme.

I understand and agree to all the points in the above.